Σάββατο 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Jupiter in Capricorn and its impact for 2020

Jupiter in Capricorn and its impact for 2020

On December 2nd one of the “big guys” of our solar system changes its sign. It enters into Capricorn. As a position, Jupiter in Capricorn is not traditionally in its best. Unlike the position in Sagittarius in which it acts freely and without obstacles, Jupiter in Capricorn is required to comply with a series of procedures and the letter of the law.

Supposing, Jupiter is a symbol for investors for example, investors, usually, feel limited by such bureaucracies. If we consider it a symbol for management, it also makes managers put too much emphasis on succession order and the compliance with the rules of hierarchy, rather than to whether what the employees are actually saying.

The result is the short circulation of free expression and gains for those who do well with maintaining formalities.

The ingress of Jupiter into Capricorn for the coordinates of New York (New York picked as an important global center), places in the 9th house but near the cusp of the 10th house. In trine to Uranus in the 1st house, this position may foretell fortune for a more conservative way of thinking, under the condition of adopting a mild radicalization. In Greece for example our new conservative prime minister, appears to be quite a lover of pets and is willing to bring quite progressive laws for animal protection (protection of nature and veganism is a thing for Uranus in Taurus).

Reform in legislation (9th house) regarding Uranus in Taurus issues could also be anticipated, although this reform will be mild, as Jupiter also is, in the position of its fall. Judges taking initiatives in the direction of supporting Uranus in Taurus issues could also be foretold and some of them gaining also public exposure (Jupiter near the 10th house cusp).

Apart from this trine, however, Jupiter does not form any other important aspects in the ingress chart, so there is a question how important its influence will finally be.

Generally, as Capricorn also symbolizes administration and upper class, benefits might come to those who have transactions with the public sector, who undertake public projects, who seek public employment or cooperation with it. Similarly, benefits will come to those who are related to people of higher financial condition who have a position in the state or in a public office.

For those who are self employed, a reorientation of their customer base towards wealthier buyers is maybe necessary. Maybe their clients need to be fewer but with more money (Jupiter in Aquarius however will reverse this trend). Socializing in the upper class and direct marketing methods instead of addressing to a lot of people is perhaps necessary.

The signs that benefit this year from Jupiter are mostly the Earth signs. The slogan of Jupiter in this position is work with no questions asked and these signs seem more suitable to implement it.

Emotions and creativity are not Jupiter’s forte in this position, so this is not a very good year for original creators (again this will be a thing for Jupiter in Aquarius). On the contrary, it is a year that you can associate with factors of the establishment at your work and try to gain their support.

Important dates in the period of Jupiter in Capricorn:

December 11 until December 20 a trine to Uranus in Taurus in 1 – 3 degrees of Capricorn (1 degree orb assumed)
December 27 a conjunction of Sun to Jupiter in 5 degrees of Capricorn
January 2nd a conjunction of Mercury to Jupiter in the 7th degree of Capricorn
January 15 Jupiter enters the 2nd decan of Capricorn
March 3 Jupiter enters the 3rd decan of Capricorn
February 11 until March 4 a sextile to Neptune in 17 -20 degrees of Capricorn (1 degree orb assumed)
March 19 a conjunction of Mars to Jupiter in 22  degrees of Capricorn
March 24 to April 16 a conjunction of Jupiter to Pluto in 23 – 25 degrees of Capricorn (1 degree orb assumed)
May 13 to May 15 Jupiter retrogrades in 27 degrees of Capricorn, very close but not exactly on the exact exaltation of Mars
March 24 to May 24 Jupiter remains within 0:30 degree orbit of Saturn/Pluto midpoint (those who gain from general poverty or coordinate tough economic measures)
June 17 to July 10 the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto repeats itself from 25 to 22 degrees of Capricorn, in retrograde motion (1 degree orb assumed).
July 18 to August 13 Jupiter forms a sextile again, to Neptune, between 21 and 19 degrees of Capricorn (1 degree orb assumed)
August 2, Jupiter returns retrograde to the 2nd decan of Capricorn
August 1 to 30/8, Pluto remains within 0:30 degree orbit of Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (investments postponed until expectations of important players are fulfilled, enormous financial investments, banks playing a role as reconstruction players)
September 12 to September 14 Jupiter turns direct in 17 degrees of Capricorn
October 2 to October 25 Jupiter repeats its sextile to Neptune between 17 and 18 degrees of Capricorn (1 degree orb assumed)
At the same time the aspect of Pluto to Jupiter/Saturn midpoint is repeated
November 1 to November 20 the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto between 22 and 24 degrees of Capricorn is repeated
November 27 to December 6 the aspect of Jupiter to Saturn/Pluto midpoint is repeated
December 13 to December 25, a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place between 27 degrees of Capricorn and 1 degree of Aquarius ( the exact conjunction is at 00:29 of Aquarius)

The sextile of Jupiter to Neptune in the above aspects might mean a significant contribution and participation of the public services (Jupiter in Capricorn) in refugee management issues (Neptune in Pisces).

The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto might mean an inflow of large funds; in combination to the midpoints that we mentioned, however, it refers us to an emergence of a powerful control factor in economics, maybe a powerful minister of finance, a new World Bank like institution or a super fund. Super investments, can also be within this frame.

Traditionally old cultures like Egypt, China, India, Greece, etc, are favored by Capricorn, thus we could see an increase of role for such cultures in the global events.

Thank you for your attention

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