Πέμπτη 21 Μαρτίου 2019

The returns of the planets and middle age crisis’ - Part I

The returns of the planets and middle age crisis’ - Part I

A special case of consulting guidance  that interests most astrologers is how the client can cope with the middle age period. Astrology, these past fifty years has significantly changed its image towards the average person and the first impression that it makes on public opinion is not exclusively as an art of forecasting anymore (an art more or less of clairvoyance based on “inherited” abilities) but also as a language of psychological quest and an art of self examination. 
Among other elements that this process has offered to those involved with this side of astrology, are the psychological interpretation of the natal chart, the interpretation of the signs’ and the planets’ symbols, as well as the realization that the effects of the planets are not simply events of natural significance but also psychological tendencies which exist within us and manifest as factors that try to push us to make specific decisions
Amid other phenomena studied by astrology the past years are the so called returns of the planets, namely the long lasting aspects formed by the outer planets during their transit to their natal positions in the personal horoscope. The most usual planetary return which is examined exhaustively is the return of Saturn which happens around the age of 29. Less importance has been given to the return of the nodes or the returns of the progressive moon, while limited are the references to the aspects of Uranus transits towards the natal chart. 
Α special importance has been given to the subject of planetary returns from a new generation of astrologers, who initiated during the 70’s and afterwards in America, a wave of thought directed to psychological healing, experiental  events and  a synthesis of astrology with alternative healing practises (crystals, herbs, astrodramatic healing, yoga, regressions). Among these astrologers names such as Jeff Green, Barbara Hand Clow and Martin Lass, are included.  
The purpose of this section is to give some thoughts to reflect on and suggest a possible relation between planetary returns and the development of  our own psychology. It will also describe the kind of challenges we are facing at every age, but mainly between the age of thirty and fifty years old, an age of turning points of our lives, evaluation of our past and drawing of a new course for the future. In this way, it will be revealed that through the crises of redirection we are able to gain a new level of self knowledge, which will allow us to evolve spiritually, to unite internally and become more useful to ourselves and the others.
To be continued...

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