The return of Saturn is the most common return and the one that has been examined the most from professional astrologers, researchers or content writers. This return corresponds, according to most of them, to the stage of life where we are thinking about what we have succeeded so far in life from a material aspect, how much social recognition have we gained, how successful have we been, whether we have managed to put our daily life into some kind of schedule and generally assessing our achievements. It is the age where we compare ourselves to other people and realize at which points we have fallen behind and at which one we are further in life. At the same time, though, it is also the stage we accept we are not as good as other people in certain things and it should not sadden us as much but on the contrary, it should make us examine those things we have achieved and count on those we can do well.
Saturn’s return is considered as the first crisis of redirection around middle age because having examined what one has achieved, it is possible to make important decisions in his life, decisions which may change the direction he has taken so far, completely. Someone might change profession, another one move to another house and another one might decide to get married and start a family. In any case with the help of this return, we ascertain our limits, determine how far we can go in this life and face the spiritual challenge of accepting that everything is finite.
If after Saturn Return, we have managed to realize the above, we enter a new phase in our life. In that stage, we are finally aware of our limitations, we are called to decide what to do with our time and the skills we have been given. What will be our basic goal? Our main purpose? The thing we would like to leave behind us. For the sake of this purpose we will start working, counting on the experience of the first return behind us and the self confidence gained by our first achievements.
If we have not managed to accept the fact that everything is finite, though, we start our life again from the beginning, searching for a job here and there, going from one place to the other and changing the people around us, without being able to commit to any relationship. The lesson of Saturn’s return, then, is also about being able to commit to someone. As our life is mortal and the resources and abilities we have are limited, the only way to achieve big things in our lives is to trust others. The restrictions of Saturn makes us realize our limited abilities, but also show us why we need the others and teaches us, by lessons in practice, to open up towards them, to look for commitment, cooperation and common effort to achieve what we could never achieve on own own.
Besides, let’s not forget that Saturn was traditionally the ruler of Aquarius, so maybe the description above can also be concieved as a bridge of spiritual evolution from the sign of Capricorn to the sign of Aquarius.
Is that all that can be said about Returns of the Planets? Not really! There are at least two other major returns that need to be mentioned. To continue in this context see our next article about Opposition of Uranus here.
Saturn’s return is considered as the first crisis of redirection around middle age because having examined what one has achieved, it is possible to make important decisions in his life, decisions which may change the direction he has taken so far, completely. Someone might change profession, another one move to another house and another one might decide to get married and start a family. In any case with the help of this return, we ascertain our limits, determine how far we can go in this life and face the spiritual challenge of accepting that everything is finite.
If after Saturn Return, we have managed to realize the above, we enter a new phase in our life. In that stage, we are finally aware of our limitations, we are called to decide what to do with our time and the skills we have been given. What will be our basic goal? Our main purpose? The thing we would like to leave behind us. For the sake of this purpose we will start working, counting on the experience of the first return behind us and the self confidence gained by our first achievements.
If we have not managed to accept the fact that everything is finite, though, we start our life again from the beginning, searching for a job here and there, going from one place to the other and changing the people around us, without being able to commit to any relationship. The lesson of Saturn’s return, then, is also about being able to commit to someone. As our life is mortal and the resources and abilities we have are limited, the only way to achieve big things in our lives is to trust others. The restrictions of Saturn makes us realize our limited abilities, but also show us why we need the others and teaches us, by lessons in practice, to open up towards them, to look for commitment, cooperation and common effort to achieve what we could never achieve on own own.
Besides, let’s not forget that Saturn was traditionally the ruler of Aquarius, so maybe the description above can also be concieved as a bridge of spiritual evolution from the sign of Capricorn to the sign of Aquarius.
Is that all that can be said about Returns of the Planets? Not really! There are at least two other major returns that need to be mentioned. To continue in this context see our next article about Opposition of Uranus here.