Κυριακή 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

The horoscope of Alice Bailey

The horoscope of Alice Bailey. 

Tradition claims she has reported as time of birth 7:32 to her closest friend Dane Rudhyar. Who in turn rectified her horoscope to 7:42. The funny thing is she made fun of astrologers, who each claimed a different ascendant for her; one would say Leo, another Virgo and another Pisces.
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She, herself, preferred Pisces, because as she claimed her husband was Pisces and her children were related to that zodiac axis. Even today amongst her students there is a debate about which her rightful ascendant is.
A second most important of dates is the one it is said she had her first telepathic contact from the Tibetan.
Apparently it was November 19, 1919 when this happened for the first time and many astrologers tried to see what might have happened to her horoscope during that day. Neptune transiting her ascendant in Leo sure makes an impression, but transiting Sun in a T-Square formation to transiting Uranus and natal Pluto is also important.
Solar Arc however is much more revealing, as Solar Arc MC puts itsef right on natal Pluto, at the same axis, transiting Sun was activating. Taurus 27 degrees might make a bad impression as a degree but as it turns out, it was closer to the fixes star Alcyon at that time rather then Algol.
Another important point in her chart are of course Planets out of Bounds. Mercury in Cancer on the 12th house cusp, could for many, be related for her telepathic contacts, whereas Lilith in conjunction to Venus and the Sun in the 11th house could have to do with her adventures in the various theosophical groups she participated.
Sure thing is that a telepathic event of such an importance requires further study than juse watching the transits or solar arc. If it is true that the Masters take more the sidereal zodiac into account, then it is worth examining how her sidereal chart is related to the tropical one. Then, we will see that sidereal Neptune is in conjunction to her tropical Midheaven, a clear indication for telepathic contact, as the Midheaven is related to the Crown Chakra. Sidereal Uranus in conjunction to natal Ascendant also reminds us more of the insubordinated attitude Alice Bailey showed as a woman in her life.
Placing both sidereal and tropical transits on her tropical natal chart, we observe a conjunction between sidereal Saturn and tropical Jupiter but also a Midpoint of sidereal Jupiter and Saturn placed on her tropical ascendant and tropical transiting Neptune. A planetary picture indicating the selection of leader, a choice which however is not very clear to herself at the start, as she doesn't know why she was picked out and what they want from her.
Even more stunning however is the tri-wheel examination of sidereal solar arc, tropical solar arc and her natal tropical chart. There it is apparent that on natal Pluto, we don't only have tropical solar arc Midheaven, but we also have sidereal Neptune. And all this near the fixed star Alcyone (it is not unusual for the Masters to pick times of initiation or contact that are related to fixed stars).
Natal Pluto on the other hand activated indicates that her perception of the telepathic contact was not one of initiation but one of  possesion. She had to give up any control she had to a hosting entity in her mind. At least that is how she might have experienced it (the tropical chart usually shows our subjective experience, versus the sidereal one which indicates how it is seen by the Masters).

A very interesting study i suppose which shows that in initiation horoscopes the tropical zodiac is not enough to explain the nature of what's happening.
Relevant charts follow for your personal study.

Natal Chart Source: https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Bailey,_Alice_A.

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