In many esoteric teachings we are taught that the person in the astral field loses contact with the natural environment. The whole world that we observe in astral field, is a world that the person carries inside him. Whatever the person sees existing around him, people, objects, nature, are memories and information that he carries inside him from the time of incarnation.
In essence, he tells us that the astral field is a world of dream if we compare it to the physical world. All senses are inward oriented instead of outward and the person observes himself with his senses instead of observing the outside world.
Is there any astrological correspondence in this approach? I believe that this approach is related to some degree to the approach of karmic astrology of the reverse houses. Indeed, karmic astrology claims that our karmic ascendant is not the one we know, but it is the 12th house. In a sense, the house system can be seen in reverse, placing 11th house as 2nd house, 10th house as 3rd house and so on. Of course, there are other approaches at this topic, but we are going to analyze now this specific approach and its usefulness.
So, this specific approach tells us that the karmic ascendant is the 12th house. But, this should not be interpreted as usual, that this ascendant is from a previous incarnation. It has to be interpreted that it is our ascendant when we are going out to the astral field. And indeed, the characteristics of that house look alike to the approach of esoteric teachings. When we are in the 12th house we live in a dreamy world, we το have to do with ourselves and we are isolated from the rest of the outside world. The 12th house world is made out of imagination and dreams that are the material of this house. In there, our senses work and give us information for our inner world as if it were the real world. Everything we live in our dreams, that we consider them as real, is in fact information that we carry within us.
Proceeding with our interpretation, we could actually continue with the sequence of reverse houses in order to explain the meaning of the rest of the houses during our stay in the astral field. So, according to one approach the 11th house could be the house of Principles, the 10th house could be the house of Lords of Karma, the 9th house could be the house of Soul Guides, the 8th house could be the house of the new conception, the 7th house could be the house of the acquaintance with our new parents, the 6th house could be the house of incarnation, the 5th house could be the house of birth, the 4th house could be the house of the new born age, the 3rd house could be the house of the beginning of learning and the 2nd house could be the house of developing awareness of ego, where subsequently the reverse of the wheel happens and the person begins to live in the outside world and takes the sequence of the houses in the right order.
Of course, this is only one approach, always as an experiment, as it always happens when we connect the esoteric philosophy with astrology. However, it is something worth trying as an analogy and to see, if it explains our experiences and the behavior that we display in the inner world of astral field.